…I like to live and travel on a boat!
It’s the perfect (only?) way to meet heaps of interesting people. People with stories, and hobbies one has never heard off.
Meet Jacky. She knits, chrochets, makes quilts, spins and dyes wool. A former liveaboarder, she works at Saltisford Canal Centre; she let me use their function room last year to do the lay-out of my quilt.
Meet Viv (moored right in front of us). She knits, chrochets, spins and dyes wool, makes vegetarian sheepskin rugs (don’t ask, look at East Hill Mill).
Both also do wet felting and needle felting. Something completely new to me.
Jacky is going to attend a spinning course Viv had some time ago. So after supper out comes the spinning wheel, and Jacky can see what awaits her.
One of Viv’s felted soap bars now has a place in our bathroom.
Out also comes the guy from the boat moored in front of Rorah. He lives on Guernsey, and before he retired, used to be a manufacturer of Guernsey Ganseys (jumpers for seamen, https://www.guernseywoollens.com). Like Jacky and Viv, he knows all about wool, and tells me NOT to wear my new Fair Isle jumper on a daily base, like I do my Norwegian jumper. Because of the type of wool, the Fair Isle one won’t last long…!
The next day he shows us a newspaper article he kept: about the Thrapston Yarn Bombers, ladies that knitted the high street of their home town Thrapston, complete with hanging baskets and pedestrians.
By then I already have been on the computer to find out what needle felting is, and looked at the history of Guernsey ganseys. All this within 18 hours.
Last year we had Nina and David, with pompoms and kefir, in 2016 we had Pat and Steven and Fred and Lisa. I showed Pat and Lisa how to crochet, Fred showed me how to make Turks Heads for the tiller (see Crème Brûlée au Fleur de Lys). Just to name a few of the interesting people we’ve met over the years.
Meeting all these interesting, creative and inspiring people, while living and traveling on a narrowboat, can live get any better?.
Hi Magda, I only just discovered this post.
Fab to meet you.
I hope you are keeping well, keep me up to date with your travels.
Viv x