Cruising on a narrowboat every day doesn’t mean it’s holiday every day. There still are household chores to be done.
So when Lawrance is on the tiller, I make him a cup of tea, once we set off, and after that I try to do an hour of household chores.
When I’m on the tiller… I wish (I don’t drink tea).
Sometimes there are days that I’m on the tiller, make bread after we moored up, and do the cooking. Not exactly holiday, I would think. And in the mean time dust settles on shelves, grass accumulates on the floor, and the windows are not getting cleaner all by themselves either.
Some tasks just have to be done on a day off.
Well, a day off for Lawrance, not for WRT or me.
WRT has to provide the electricity for the washing machine, and I have to do the rest.
OK, to be fair, Lawrance puts up the whirly.
It just amazes me how must dust accumulates in a narrowboat. One day I hoover the boat, two days later I have to do it again: dust everywhere. And I think CRT deliberately only cuts grass on the towpath when it is wet, and the cuttings are ‘walked’ straight into the boat, when doing locks or mooring up.
I think I want a butty. So I can buy even more books, but mainly for accommodating a butler and a cleaning lady. So I can just sit down and read…
Ja Magda, het lijkt wel of mannen dat niet zien, of minder nodig vinden.
Alweer stofzuigen? Laat dat nou toch.
Maar wij houden, net als alle andere diersoorten, ons nest schoon.
Ach, die mannen, ze zijn toch wel lief.
Ze hebben er alleen geen oog voor.
Ze hoeven er van mij geen oog voor te hebben, als ze maar zouden proberen dingen niet te vervuilen. Of meteen schoon te maken. Dat zou al heel wat schelen…!
An old English saying “All work and no play makes a dull girl and boy.”
Maybe you could consider trying another life style. Perhaps a campervan, and tour Scotland or the USA. Just think: no wet grass to deal with, and only a small area to dust. And less widows to clean.
Also you could cover the distance required in a shorter time, so Lawrance wouldn’t have to spend so much time on the helm and could help with the mountain of chores you are faced with, so you would enjoy more leisure time together.
Dear Tin Lizzie,
Forget the campervan. And with reference to the rest: keep dreaming…!
(That’s what I do)