It’s an easy but boring run to Upper Lode Lock.
The lock keeper gets a call, and the lock is ready for us.
Beyond this lock the Severn is semi-tidal.
Yes, and?
The lock keeper asks: “Do you know about the tide?”
“Tide? Eh, no. Why?”
It turns out it was spring tide yesterday, so today the tide is a lot higher than normal, and the lock keeper gives us the advice to moor up at Lower Lode Inn for an hour, as not to cruise against the tide but with the tide.
Tides, currents, can we handle this? Let’s moor up at Lower Lode and rethink things.
We’re cruising against the tide, so Lawrance assumes that there is no need to turn around and moor up facing the current.
Wrong(-ish). We manage to moor up, but we nearly run into an already moored up boat, that looks faintly familiar.
When we start apologizing to the couple that are on the boat I realize: I know them. Jo and Keith, who moor at Saltisford Canal Centre.
First comment from Jo? “We’re shoe twins!”
The weather is nice, we’re among nice people, the pub is nearby, so we decide to stay another day.
The next day I’m the one to negotiate the slightly tricky entrance to Gloucester Dock.
But I start with collecting a huge log on the bow of WRT, managing to balance it perfectly: it sticks out equally on both sides, and stays!
It takes the boat hook to get rid of it.
I said the approach to Gloucester Dock is a bit tricky. That’s because the current (and the river Severn itself) sweeps across the lock entrance to the right, while we have to go straight, into the lock. Not that it should be a problem. Jo and Keith informed the lock keeper that we are approaching, we phoned him as well, and the lock should be ready to cruise straight in.
Eh, no, unfortunately, the MV Edward Elgar, the luxury cruiser from English Heritage Cruises, has priority, so he uses the lock that was set for us.
Jo and Keith already ‘hang’ onto the wall in front of the lock, and I manage to stop WRT onto the wall just behind them. To make matters worse, when the lock is finally set again for us, the lock keeper wants the small cruiser on the picture to go in first.
We manage (of course) and moor up in the main basin of the Dock.
Time to get my reward: a trip to Gloucester Cathedral, where six singers make all my (and Lawrances) hair stand up. After a walk to St. Oswalds Priory and St. Mary’s Gate it’s time for a drink.
Because of the nice weather, and it being Saturday, Dr Foster’s Waterfront Bar & Restaurant is absolutely packed. Which is not a problem: we have our own seats, so we get our drinks from the bar and sit on our jetty.
We end the day with a meal at Topoly’s with Jo and Keith.
The next day it’s time to visit the four important museums of Gloucester.
First Gloucester Waterways Museum, then Gloucester Soldiers Museum. Interesting? Sort of…
The other two museums are not open on a Sunday, so we have to stay another two days, later this week.
Greek on the Dock certainly is open, and we have an excellent meal there.
Hello Shoe Twin. That was such a lovely day and it was wonderful spending time in your company.
Glad we got to see you both before you left the Saltisford Arm. Happy cruising and may there be water beneath your bow.