Delftware is still haunting me. And because I’m worth it, I decide to have a second Pandora bracelet. This time with proper Dutch beads.
It has everything, from a windmill, wooden shoes (well, sort of) via a kissing Dutch couple to a bag of fries.
And not only because I’m worth it, I’ve also been working hard.
I included all the posts on this blog into pdf’s. So if you want to read, for example, all the posts from 2015, just go to the tab PDF’S and download the pdf The First Full Year.
And because I’m worth it, I had, for the first time in my entire life, my nails done. Professionally. Might not do that again, though. Nice, long, polished nails severely limit you doing things. Like daily checks of the engine, or even crocheting.
Lawrance worked hard as well. He serviced/winterized the engine.
And because he’s worth it, he bought himself a steam iron.
Other than that, it’s time for beautiful sunsets again.
And, of course, gym, yoga, gym, yoga, …
Beautiful bracelet x
Just couldn’t resist it…!
Soms moet je jezelf gewoon verwennen!
Precies, dat dacht ik ook. En als ik het nu niet doe…